Ladies' Night - Wine & Oysters

Ahhh ladies' night. My favorite time of the week...and yes it has become a weekly occurrence. Time with your girlfriends is essential, or at least to me it is!
My friends and I are all in relationships and spend most of our time with our significant other. I wouldn't trade the time I spend with my boyfriend for anything...he's my best friend, after all. However, once we have been around one another with no breaks and no girl time, I find myself losing my sense of femininity. I start dressing more casually, not wearing makeup, and replacing white wine with a great seasonal IPA.
What's the complaint, right? ..well, for me, I have always been a huge girly girl.
I just so happened to land a very manly man...the ultimate dude. I still laugh about the fact we get along so well despite how polar opposite we can be!
While I can get along with the guys when I'm with my boyfriend by rocking a backwards Braves hat and throwing a football, you won't find him sipping a 1997 Sonoma County Chardonnay discussing clothing and our favorite new TV shows to gossip about. That's where my essential girls' night comes in.
We recently found a great spot for ladies' night called The Big Ketch in Atlanta.
Why are we so in love with this place? Half bottles of wine during happy hour, amazing oysters, live I need to continue? Even if this venue didn't carry such great food and drink specials, I would still go because of the ambience. Between the braided jute on the tables, string lights on the patio, and live acoustic music strumming Jack Johnson songs, you feel like you've been taken of the city and transported oceanside.

 Topic of conversation this evening: plans for our annual summer trip to Nantucket Island.
Have any of you been there?
If not, buy a plane ticket, get the ferry ticket and bring all the stripes you own. Nantucket is AMAZING!
Growing up, my parents enjoyed traveling to beach cities. I've been all over California, south Florida, and a few spots in South Carolina to enjoy the beach. Nantucket is so much different than any of the other beach towns I've experienced. It's a small island with a ton of charm.
Above are some of the photos we took from last year's trip. We usually stay at one of our family's houses there, although if you're interested in a hotel I have heard great things about the White Elephant Hotel. Just as a warning, I highly recommend if you decide to go, rent a car or bring it via ferry to the island so you can get around. I will be writing a much longer post about things to do on the trip when we go this summer so stay tuned.
 Cheers from ladies' night! Thanks for reading! If you'd like to hear more about travel, let me know in the comments!



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