A Modern Traditional Office

When my husband and I purchased our 1,500 square foot ranch, my goal was to make the interior feel historic but updated. Inspired by Ralph Lauren and preppy English decor, I wanted to mix classic artwork and antique pieces with modern touches. This room was a challenge because, while my husband gives me a lot of autonomy with the rest of the house, this room had to mix our styles.

Ever since I started my job with Ballard Designs, my whole world has been about furniture and design. I've learned how to mix antiques and new items together in a room harmoniously. I've learned that decorating is all about creating little moments around the room . When someone walks in, their focus shouldn't travel to just one place. The room should make their eyes travel around the space, picking up the details of each vignette.

Our vision for the room was pretty different (not surprising since I married my polar opposite). For example - when tasked with our first request to find a piece of artwork for the room, I purchased this vintage oil portrait and my husband purchased a painting of a lion (what is this, The Lion King?!). Although it did not match my vision, I had to find a way to work the piece into the room because hey - it's his office, not mine.

The photos below are a teaser of the room. We are working through the opposite side currently (and where to put that damn lion painting), but I wanted to show you our progress! Enjoy. :)

This vintage lucite chandelier was a last-minute addition to Garrett's office. With all of the masculinity in the room, this light acts as a little piece of jewelry.

While we both have family crests (mine German and his Irish) we found these mystery family heirlooms at an antique store and fell in love with the burlwood frames.

My husband and I love bourbon. It reminds us of our days at Ole Miss when we would have hot toddy's or drink it on the rocks at City Grocery on any given night.

(and this is when my camera stopped working...forgive the iPhone picture!)
While most of the pieces are from Ballard Designs, I mixed in a few family heirlooms and flea market finds!

I love this little table from Ballard Designs. It fills the empty space next to our cabinet and acts as an extra table when he has guests for meetings.

I decided to warm up the space with a brass, vintage-inspired lamp.

Perhaps one of our favorite pieces in the room (and the first one I purchased for Garrett) is this chair outfitted in a fun modern fabric. It's super comfy and where I sit at night when he's burning the midnight oil.


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