Linen Closet Makeover with Christmas Tree Shops & That!
This post is in partnership with Christmas Tree Shops andThat!, a brand I love. All opinions here are my own.
The spring seems to be the only time every year that I get serious about decluttering and reorganizing our home. As I started on my mission to channel my inner “Home Edit”, I knew there was one mountain of a mess I needed to tackle first - our linen closet.
You can go ahead and say it... yikes, am I right? I think we all have that one closet that acts like the junk drawer of the house, and our linen closet has been just that. I started by removing everything in our closet and placed it on a folding table to reevaluate what items should live in the space.
I then realized that I needed to do a little more than just organize. I needed to paint! The closet had dark marks everywhere from the previous owners.
After a quick coat of white paint, I did some research to narrow down what would live in the linen closet. I decided to stick to the basics and get rid of the rest. I narrowed the closet components down to towels, sheets, cleaning products, candles, and blankets.
Now I just needed the perfect finishing touch to keep everything organized - baskets! If you’re anything like me, I tend to be a bit of a basket-aholic. I just love using them to organize spaces. I decided to head to my local Christmas Tree Shops & That! because of their affordable and stylish selection of baskets and other organizational items.
I felt like I was in basket heaven! There were so many cute options for affordable prices. Not only did they have baskets you can use for organizing, but I even found a cute Nantucket-style basket for my beach cruiser bicycle for only $12!

I was tempted to pick up new sheets and blankets while I was at Christmas Tree Shops and That! because they were so cute and inexpensive. The sheets were just around $20 for a king and they had the cutest frilly pillows for a low price as well.

I couldn’t help but get distracted by all of the other cute items they just stocked for spring - this store is like a treasure hunt! I ended up leaving with a few baskets, a pink floral wreath for our front door, faux flowers, some dog toys for our sweet pup Laila and 2 bottles of wine. If we’re going to organize, we might as well make it fun with a little vino, right?

I got home and got to work. I added some peel and stick wallpaper to the closet and decided to go with a plain white basket for a fresh and clean feeling that would stand out against the wallpaper.
I couldn’t be happier with the result.
Everything has its own place now and is so much easier to access. I especially love the liners in the baskets because I can take them out and launder them as needed. The baskets have a soft, woven feel and come in a variety of sizes which is perfect for housing different items. I used mine for towels, sheets, our dog’s new toys and my liquid cleaning products.
I can’t wait to show you the other home progress as we tackle our spring cleaning room by room!
To see what else Christmas Tree Shops & That! has to offer, check out their website, or look here to find a shop near you.
Xoxo -